Raad | Normale duur van de legislatuur | Laatste verkiezing |
1. At the level of the Communes, elections for the ... = Gemeenteraad () | 6 jaar | 2006+6=2012 |
2. Idem Provinces = Provincieraad | 6 jaar | 2006+6=2012 |
3. Idem Parliament for the Flemish Region = Vlaams parlement | 5 jaar | 2009+5=2014 |
4. Idem Parliament for Brussels Region = Brussels hoofdstedelijk parlement | 5 jaar | 2009+5=2014 |
5. Idem Parliament of the Region of Wallonia = Waals parlement | 5 jaar | 2009+5=2014 |
6. Idem Parliament of the German speaking region = Parlement van de Duitstalige Gemeenschap | 5 jaar | 2009+5=2014 |
7. Idem European Parliament = Europees parlement | 5 jaar | 2009+5=2014 |
8. Idem Parliament of the Belgian Federal State level where the German, French, Brussels and Flemish meet = Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers | 4 jaar | 2010+4=2014 |
9. Idem but the "Wise" on the level of the Belgian Federal State = Senaat | 4 jaar | 2010+4=2014 |
Now these governments on all levels can "fall", i.e. break apart if one thinks the negotiated agreement with the plan of action, allocation of means (money, people, or laying of people and cutting in budgets or reallocating them) is not in line anymore with the initial spirit of the agreement.
Sometimes people don't make the distinction between something that plays at e.g. the national level and take revenge on the politicians during the election on the local=commune level or visa versa. Especially on the national=federal level and the regional level it's not in the top of the minds of people of who's responsible of what past policy again.
Verkiezingen in België | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Quite some elections going on in Belgium. |
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